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In these days of social media--Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn--it becomes easy to judge. Opinions are often considered facts. Truth is shaded into lies. Nowhere is that more evident than in our current political environment. As more and more division occurs with elected officials, less true progress is made on implementing the changes necessary for growth.

There were many positive changes in Wildwood when Ernie Troiano was Mayor/Commissioner, and it's apparent Commissioner Steve Mikulski has maintained that momentum. Development continues, much of the roads, sidewalks and other infrastructure have been improved, and dilapidated Pacific Avenue buildings have been replaced, while taxes have been stabilized.  This is a direction that must be maintained for the good of residents, tourists and businesses. 

We will continue to work diligently to find ways of improving efficiency for the City of Wildwood to control taxes. Over the past four years under my tenure as your Public Safety Commissioner, the Fire Department received a Ferrara Fire Truck paid for by the county, our city obtained two FEMA awards (one is rare, two exceptional), we obtained grants of $864,000 for Covid impacts, ambulance power cots for $102,000, AFG Grant of $230,000 for broad band Radios (2021), $48,000 from NJ DCA American Plan for the purchase of PPE and Fit-test machine (2022), about $8,000 Leary Grant for turnout gear extractor (2022) and $243,000 American Rescue Plan grant for a new ambulance--all without impacting Wildwood taxpayers.

We will continue to prioritize re-development and improvement of the roads and other needed infrastructure. Steve Mikulski and Ernie Troiano will work hard to be Wildwood's instruments on this continued path of success. We are willing to be held accountable and work tirelessly to implement new changes. For these changes to continue, Wildwood needs the experience and dedication of Steve Mikulski and Ernie Troiano. Select the “Putting Wildwood First” team--ballot positions #1 & #2--at the polls on November 7, 2023.

 Sincere thanks,


Employment Information:

Law requires us to ask for occupation, employer and employment information. If you do not have an employer, put N/A or if you are self employed, put self employed.


I am Contributing:

If you are mailing a contribution, please make your check payable to Committee to Elect Putting Wildwood First and send to:

Committee to Elect Putting Wildwood First
P.O. Box 603 Wildwood, NJ 08260
Wildwood, NJ 08260

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On Tuesday, November 7, 2023,
Re-elect Steve Mikulski and Elect Ernie Troiano
for Wildwood Commissioners.

Paid for and Ordered by The Committee to Elect Putting Wildwood First
P.O. Box 603 Wildwood, NJ

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